C-vac is the answer
to the high cost of HEPA filter replacements.
We're Committed
to Quality
Our quality
filtration products and accessories provide the performance and
compatibility required for the proper operation of the vacuum.
Every HEPA filter you receive
from C-vac has been constructed and tested to the latest industry
standard and
exceeds a minimum of 99.97% on 0.3 microns. In fact, most filters
exceed an efficiency of 99.99%. See
testing and construction.
And C-vac guarantees that every HEPA filter leaving our plant
will meet your specifications.
We're Committed
to Service
Backing up
this guarantee are stringent standards that follow our products
from specification through purchasing, receiving, assembly, testing
and shipping. All focused on ensuring that you have the filters
you need, when you need them.
C-vac ships fast! Our comprehensive inventory allows us to ship
over 97% of all orders the same day the order is received.
From professional
assistance to prompt shipment, C-vac focuses on servicing your
filtration requirements.
We're Committed
to Savings
When you buy
C-vac filters, you can save from 20 to 60 percent over the cost
of the vacuum manufacturer price! Simply compare C-vac products
and prices with those of the vacuum manufacturer and you'll agree
. . . C-vac is the answer to the high cost of HEPA filter replacements.
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